Turbulent Truth
TRT 28:30
Tackling the challenges of life with laughter while looking at everything through God’s lens of truth.
Co-host (aka: The Entertainer) – GARY CHAPMAN – An undercover white hat, Gary’s cover as a singer/songwriter, show host, and brand endorser has served him well. Targeted by the deep state, he inspires others through his music, non-apologetic faith, and espousing God’s truth. As a story teller Gary helps others see THE Truth through God’s lens.
Co-host (aka The Stump) – Scott Cutcher – Scott’s illustrious career as a lucha libre or Mexican wrestler (little people division) was cut short when he was recruited by the CIA to infiltrate the cartels. Realizing he was a pwn in an evil game of chess, Scott faked his death to emerge in America as a voice in building Kingdom brands.
Vimeo, Podcast, FLIXX.NET